Sunday, May 15, 2011

And the winners are...

It is time to draw the winners for my give away! I am so thrilled to give something back to you all, but there can only be one winner for the first price and one winner for the second price....

...So I put every participant in a list with numbers and used the random number generator at ..and I hit enter...

The winner of my first rustic board with handmade delicates...

And the winner of my second rustic board with handmade delicates ....

Congratulations Josje and Britt!! Please email me your full names and addresses and I will send you your miniature sets!!

I would so much have wanted to give all of you something, but there will be more give aways from me since this was so fun!

Now I will go out and enjoy our sunny weather here in Sweden! Have a nice Sunday!



carmen said...

Enhorabuena a los ganadores, son unas tablitas fantasticas!

Norma Bennett said...

Congratulations to the lucky winners! And thanks for such a wonderful giveaway Hanna :)

Mari@ said...

Thank you Hanna for you wonderful giveaway. Congratulations to the winners :o)

Drora's minimundo said...

Congratulations to the winners and many thanks to you for offering these wonderful prizes to your followers.

El caballero Metabólico said...

¡¡¡Enhorabuena a las ganadoras!!! Seguro que lo van a disfrutar de lo lindo, son unos regalos maravillosos!!! Un besote enorme!!!

Catherine said...

Congratulations Josje and Britt!!! You are so very lucky!!! :-)

Thank you so much Hanna for the chance to win one of your beautiful boards. You work is just beautiful.

miniacollection said...

Congratulations to the lucky winners!

Rosamargarita said...

felicitaciones a los afortunados!!!!
Gracias por este bello sorteo Hanna!
Un abrazo

Margriet said...

Congratulations to Josje and Britt!!!

Heleni said...

Congratulations to the lucky winners Josje and Britt.


Linda Carswell said...

Congratulations to your lucky LUCKY winners and thank you so much Hanna for the chance to wins such a lovely item.


Eva said...

¡Buen provecho a las ganadoras!. Felicidades. Un saludo, Eva

Contrastes-Rosa Mª said...

Felicidades a las ganadoras, disfrutarán de unas minis preciosas, gracias a tí por esta oportunidad

Flor said...

¡Felicidades!! Son unos regalos muy lindos ( =

Plushpussycat said...

Congratulations to the winners! Your prizes are so lovely! Yay! :-)

cockerina said...

Congratulations to the winners, and thanks very much to you!!
I hope next time... :((

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Josje and Britt!! woohooooo :D Linda x

Un Taller de Miniaturas said...

Congrats to the winners, they are two lucky girls...!!!

Britt said...

Jag är jätteglad att ha vunnit din give-away
Jag har mailat min adress till dig, ne jag vet inte om du har sett den?
Här kommer den i alla fall. MVH Britt
Britt Andreasen
Elins väg 1
611 50 Nyköping

Josje said...

I just got back from my holiday and discovered I won your giveaway, what a fantastic surprise! I can hardly believe it. Lucky me indeed! Thank you so much! I will send you an email with my address. ~Josje~

links london said...
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miniaturista said...

Muchas felicidades a las ganadoras y que disfrutes de ese maravilloso día soleado y de muchos más.
UIn abrazo

Lucas Kain said...

Congratulations to the winners!! I must admit I am a bit jealous, but my hands just aren't that good for creating. And my compliments to the hostess, exceptionally well done miniatures! Keep up the good work!

International call

Christel said...

Fantastic work Hanna:) Love the display! The rustic boards are super and so is the food:)

miniature dollhouse said...

It can be difficult to remember when looking at these photographs that you are actually seeing a miniature.